Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day at The Kerr House

This is how we roll -

No overpriced dinner at some pseudo-fancy pretentious restaurant for us. At the Kerr's we had heart-shaped meatloaf made by my wonderful husband and baked potatoes with all the fixin's.

And these are the sweet little treats I made for my honey and coworkers - Oreo Cookie Truffles. It was my first shot at making truffles and they were far from perfect.  They taste fantastic, but looked a bit rough. I was actually calling them my pretty little disasters by the time I finished. I was having trouble because the truffles kept melting as I was covering them with chocolate. As I progressed they look more and more like "cookies and cream" truffles - lots of crumbs mixed in the chocolate coating.  I have since learned that you should freeze them so that doesn't happen. Thanks Aunt Kim! I can't wait to make them again and try the new technique.

Also, in true sister-as-my-valentine fashion, I got a super fabulous gift from my little Banani. She got me something we've both been wanting for YEARS. Yes, years. A swiss army knife!!! OMG. Yes, I got a weapon/sharp object as a Valentine's Day gift. She's a girl after my own heart! The only gift that could ever eclipse a swiss army knife is the new blood-splatter Goatwhore vinyl...or chocolate-covered cherries from the love of my life.

How did you celebrate? 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Slow Cook Your Way To Your Man's Heart

Or your woman's heart...or anyone's heart for that matter! As long as they like beef.

I'm not a cook. not even close. Every now and then, though, I like to try something new to switch up the taco, chinese chicken, pizza, mac and cheese, turkey sandwich monotony. My favorite way to do it is the slow cooker. It's the most magical thing in my life. You throw a bunch of food in, go to work (or back to sleep if it's Sunday) and at dinner time - you have dinner!

Last year I started following Stephanie O'Dea's blog - A Year of Slow Cooking and have found a veritable mountain of treasure! It's one of my favorite blogs. I made the Italian Beef Sandwiches as a Super Sunday treat for my hubby last week. Not because of the super bowl, but because we love our lazy Sundays together. It's the one day we get to just hang out together and relax.

Italian Beef Sandwiches
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Anyway, I threw everything in the slow cooker and viola! At 7pm we had the most delicious beef sandwiches ever in the history of beef sandwiches! Seriously.

Due to my hubby having picky tastes and the fact that there's only two of us in the household, I made a few slight changes in the recipe. Here's what I did that deviated from Stephanie's recipe:

  • 2 lb. rump roast (it calls for 3-4 lb, but we could NEVER eat that much)
  • Didn’t put anise in
  • Only used 2 tablespoons of Italian Seasoning instead of the separate spices
  • Even though I used less meat, I used the same amount of everything else

If you want to wow your man or are in the courting phase of a relationship, make this. You will not be sorry! He will be yours long as you promise to make it again.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


*large sign of relief* 

It's over. ahhhhhhh...... 

The baby shower is over. 

On to the next thing, right?


It's been one thing after another these past few months - trip to NYC, getting ready to move, moving, unpacking,  Christmas, trip to NC, baby shower planning. Now I think I deserve a break and I'm going to take it. It's been pretty crazy around here and I'm looking forward to chillaxin' with my hubby, playing games, crafting, and reorganizing the kitchen so I can make better use of the space. 

But the past few days, since Sunday actually, 'baby shower' has been a bad word. Maybe I'll post a recap once I fully recover from the craziness. Hopefully I'll be able to bring myself to do it - eventually.

Love this girl, my bff Jess, like a sister. I'm so happy it's almost Baby Time!