Saturday, January 21, 2012

8 days.

That's 192 hours I have to get ready for the baby shower. SCARY!

I've been busy trying to get everything together and planned properly so that my BFF has the best baby shower in the whole world! I've been to a few really good ones - my friend Carla's was the best by far - so the bar is pretty high. I've got food and decorations, a preggo BFF, cute clothes for both of us to wear, a pretty handy and helpful little sis that's also bringing a cake and some pretty rad favors. What more does a baby shower need?

Oh yeah - delicious baby shower punch. My favorite part of all. I think I'm going to try a new recipe this time instead of just winging it. Fruity Sherbet Punch sounds just about right.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Inspirational Thoughts on a Sunday Morning

Paths clear for those who know where they’re going and are determined to get there.
― Anonymous

I want happiness and health. And have resolved to do it.

Where are you going?

New Year = New Penny...Not really

The obligatory new year blog post - although it's 8 days late. Funny, one of my "things" (as I prefer not to call them resolutions, but instead "things I need to work on") is to blog more. I love writing my little blog - sharing my life with the world. I just don't get to it very often. I'm a busy gal, what can I say?!?!?

Here are the things I'm going to work on in 2012:

  • Take Time
    • Normally, I rush through my day - from home to work, to lunch breaks, to errands, to home, to laundry, to couponing, to packing lunch, to bed.  I'm always rushing. This year, I'm going to try to enjoy life more by taking the time to smell the roses. 
    • This includes making time for: blogging, crafting, painting my nails, visiting my friends, playing with babies, and snuggling with my honey on the couch. You know, the things I do that make me smile and leave me with that warm and fuzzy feeling for days!
  • Finish 
    • My number one fault is that I have no follow-through. This year, I plan on finishing what I start. Pray for me. I need divine intervention to get on top of this one. I've spent a lifetime saying "I'll work on that later", "I don't feel like doing that anymore" or "I'm done with that".  Being a fickle Gemini, this is just my nature. It's hard to change an innate personality trait, I know, but I'm going to try.

And that's it. I don't get all crazy with the "eat better, exercise more" because it's unrealistic when you rush through your day and don't cook your own meals or get home before dark. That's not a resolution or a "thing to work on" it's an everyday struggle. I've come to terms with the fact that getting a new calendar isn't going to make me skinny or change me into a new person. A new outlook - that will help. 

Cheers to 2012! Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Closing out 2011 with my family

I always say I'm going to be able to blog more, and fully believe it when I think "I'll have lots of time to blog about my trip," but that's far from the case. Right now I have the time because I'm finally uploading my pics from the trip thus far and we have to be quiet and calm because my baby nephew is awake and needed him some pb sammich.

It's been a crazy beautiful week of chillaxin' with my family - got in on Wednesday night, breakfast date with almost the whole NC Kota crew Thursday, Wake Forest v. Yale basketball game, helping my moxie little nieces start their cupcake business, wario playing until the wee hours, grocery shopping, and tonight - the all out best part - a New Year's Eve party with sparkling grape juice, pizza rolls, cheese slices, new nail polish and 6 of the best people I could ever hope to be with to ring in the new year. The only thing missing is my awesome husband. Love you Steve!!

Here's a quick photo montage of the trip -

Go Deacs!
Jordan was cracking Paulie up like crazy!
Yummy, Aunt Penny! Thanks for the orange!
The birth of KD's Cupcakes of Lewisville, NC
This is what the boys did while we 'cupcaked'
By far some of the best frosting I ever ate - Raspberry Buttercream
Hershey's Chocolate cupcake with Raspberry Buttercream, KD's Cupcakes
My moxie gals - Payton and Lydia
Big brother Jordan loves the cupcake business!
The girls made me this. So. stinkin. cute.
dark purple with gold OPI crackle. Perfect nails to bring in the new year!
The littlest bartender with the biggest smile. LOL! (It's juice)
Silly girl Lydia
Jordan getting sick of waiting for the motorcycle guy to jump
They grow up so fast...

I hope you're having as much fun as I am! Happy 2012 to you and yours!