Twitter as a marketing tool
I'm looking for someone to interview for my grad class on the benefits of using twitter as a marketing tool. Will you share your thoughts?
How long have you been using twitter as a marketing tool for your company?
How often do you post tweets?
Do you make your tweets personal or strictly business-oriented?
What do you feel are the benefits of this marketing tool?
Do you find that twitter takes away from more important tasks because you have to be available to your followers at a moment’s notice?
Do you consider social media to be of high importance in your company’s marketing plan?
Have you found that your company has increased their brand awareness and acceptance through utilizing twitter?
I post about 7 times / week.
Primarily business but sometimes I'll post a photo from an event I'm attending or something with a more personal tone to it.
We are an Association Management company providing marketing & writing services to non-profits primarily. We use to market our company as well as promote client events / create greater awareness of their organizations.
I block out an hour / day to work on social media. The dialogue generally not time critical for our audience.
We consider it to be an increasingly important part of our communication & PR mix. It enhances our other marketing efforts.
We understand that 100% of our audience does not use Twitter/other social networking. But it has broadened an awareness of our company....even amongst friends and colleagues. For example, our Tweets automatically feed into my FB page. A Twitter announcement earlier this week connected us with several FB colleagues we hadn't heard from in some time.
All the best with your project!
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